
12 September 2013

SmartOne charger winner

I received some amazing entries in my competition to win a SmartOne charger.  After reading your stories I am so glad I have a SmartOne – what disasters have befallen some of you through lack of battery power.

It took a while to sort through them all – but I do have a winner …… drum roll please…….

Congratulations to Tracy Heffernan 

Here is Tracy's winning entry:

I sold my friend's rather expensive amp on eBay on her behalf. The buyer and I arranged to meet in town the next day to hand it over. His last email said he would transfer the money via PayPal in the morning before he left home. Well, I had further to travel so I rushed out the door early without checking if the payment had come through - not to worry I thought, I will just check my account on my phone when I get to the meeting place. Halfway there my phone started that tell-tale slow 'meep meep' to let me know it was running out of charge. It's ok I thought, I'll make it. By the time I pulled off the highway it was flat. He was such a nice chap 'oh yes, I paid' he said. I handed it over with my heart thumping - I had either just done my friend a huge favour or lost her $600. I was meeting people for lunch; 'may I borrow your phone?' 'sure!' .... and my forgotten passwords are saved on MY phone.... that was a long drive home before I could check on my computer. Yes, he had paid, told you he was nice! But I will never forget that sinking feeling and I vowed to never let my phone go flat again!

Tracy has an online store and Facebook Page - Mother Baby Store.

Tracy, could you please email me at admin@techiemum.com with your address and I’ll pop your SmartOne in the mail to you. 

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