
15 March 2013

Free Stuff Friday - Kidpix

With two boys who absolutely love drawing I have a never-ending collection of ‘art’ accumulating around my home.  There are piles in cupboards, each year I get a really large art envelope for each for keeping all the art from school, and even stacks next to the TV.  Every now and then I’ll have a clear out and sneak some down to the bin, but that still leaves a mountain of art!

I now have a solution!  Kidpix: Save Your Kid’s Art is a brilliant new app that helps you manage your child’s artwork. 

It’s a free app for your iPad, iPhone and Android phone and tablet and it is so easy to use:

  1. Set up an artist profile for each child.
  2. Add their artwork – you can select it from your camera roll, or take a photo with the camera on your device.
  3. Select a frame – there’s lots of different styles and colours to choose from
  4. Adjust the brightness and rotate the picture if needed
  5. Add a title, date, or notes
  6. Save it to your camera roll, to your Kidpix collections, or to Dropbox

With Kidpix you can view your child’s collections at any time without tripping over them, but you can also share their artwork with friends and family via email, Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, and Tumblr, or, if you've saved them to Dropbox, you could share that Dropbox folder. 

I added all the artwork on the fridge to Kidpix on my iPad, and now I'm going to start on the piles on the floor. 

p.s. while my boys love looking back through their creations, they refused to let me put them on this post.  So the pictures above are not from my artistic boys.

You can get Kidpix from iTunes  and from Google Play 

1 comment:

  1. This is one of the best apps for families. Actually my friend who is a photgrapher frames her pictures and organizes them in "collections" on Kidpix!Wonderful that you are highlighting Kidpix. Thanks
    Mom who loves less clutter and more storqage.
