
22 October 2012

App of the week - Flipboard

My new favourite app!  Flipboard collects all the posts by your friends and Pages you like on Facebook, Twitte, Instagram, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Flickr, Google Reader and Google+; new videos on YouTube; as well as RSS feeds from your favourite blogs and sites; and brings them all together for you in a gorgeous looking magazine-like display.  You can also choose to have news from around the world added to your Flipboard magazine too – you just select the topics you’re interested in.

Flipboard is available for iPad, iPhone (from iTunes) and Android (from Google Play), and it’s free.

Once you’ve downloaded Flipboard you set up your accounts:  tap the content guide ribbon, and select from the services available under 'Your Accounts' the select 'Add an Account.'  On Android you select More on your Flipboard Account page, then Accounts, and select the accounts you want to add.

Once you’ve added an account you’ll see a box to tap on your Flipboard Account screen which will take you to all the feeds on that site.  To flip to the next page in your magazine just swipe up from the bottom of the screen. You can share, comment, and like just as you can if you were at that site.  Flipboard can also save articles to Instapaper, Pocket or Readability so you can read them later.

If you have multiple devices and you’d like to access Flipboard on all of them, just download the app to each device, create an account, and it will be synced across all your devices.

I used to use Google Reader to help me keep track of the blogs I follow.  I’ve now switched to Flipboard – I find it so much easier to read as each blog post has its own page. I’ve just added it to my Android phone, but it will be going on all my devices – I love it!


  1. My husband uses this and loves it...but I thought it was only for ipads. Will download it now on the phone and have a play! Thanks for the tips. :)

    1. I haven't got it on the iPad yet, only on my Android phone. It's definitely perfect for a tablet, but still great to get all the new feeds together in one place on your phone. It especially makes Twitter easy to follow. Thank you for leaving a comment Martine.
