
18 June 2012

How to create a collage for your Facebook Page or Timeline cover photo

Instead of just one photo as your Facebook Timeline or Page cover photo, get creative and create your own collage using Picasa’s Collage tool. 

1.      In Picasa, select your photos (one for a background and three or four smaller pictures) and add/hold them in the photo tray.

2.      Click Create on the menu bar and select Picture Collage.

3.      Click on the photo you want as your background.  In the Background Options area click Use Image.  You can then delete the smaller version of that photo from the collage photos.

4.      Click on the drop-down arrow in the Page Format area and select Add Custom Aspect Ratio (at the very bottom of the list)

5.      In the dialog box add the Facebook cover photo dimensions – 851 x 315.  Give it a name so you can use it again – Facebook cover photo.  Click OK.

6.      Now you can format the smaller photos over your background picture.  Reduce their size, angle and border style and position them where you like.  Don’t forget to leave room on the left side for your Facebook profile picture.

7.      Once you’re happy with the collage, click on Create Collage. 

8.      At the bottom of the screen click on Export and choose the location on your computer where you want to save the collage.  You need to specify the size = 850 pixels.  Click Export.

The last step is to add it to your Facebook timeline or page.  After logging in to Facebook, go to your Timeline or Page.  Move your mouse over the right side of your cover photo and click on Change Cover, and upload the collage.   Save Changes and you’re done. 

Picasa is a very easy to use photo editing program – and it’s free.  Download it here


  1. Thankyou for this! Going to try out Picasa tonight!

    1. Picasa collages are great fun. Let me know if you come across any tricky bits - I'm happy to help.
